A Blog Content Strategy

You raise an interesting point indeed which spurs a thought…
Some folks are in the blogging game with the sole purpose of making money - nothing wrong with that obviously. Good old Adam Smith at work. Other folks—yourself included—blog because you have a passion for it.
Now, my point…
I would argue that the people who create blogs just for the money are better at targeting. They have researched what people are interested in and focus on giving that audience what they want. Brilliant! Just as the marketing theory tells us to do.
But somethings missing…
If I created a blog about something I was passionate about that didn’t rate highly in subjects people search for, am I just wasting my time? Is my strategy flawed?
Not necessarily…
I could develop a very loyal niche following and become a trusted authority for that niche…small as it may be…(assuming that I really did know what I was talking about). My audience would instinctively know that my content “hits the spot” and isn’t being generated just to get the proverbial “eyeballs” as they used to say in the early days. Just as with technology marketing, I would be building a “beachhead” in a niche as a solid base from which to build outwards.

On strategy…
Going forward, and incorporating what Professor Lavine is teaching is about value, what do you think is the better approach for blogging?:
  • Well-targeted volume.

  • Genuine, unique, niche content.

A Blog Content Strategy A Blog Content Strategy Reviewed by Unknown on 1:52 AM Rating: 5

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