iPad Air | Missing the mark for Millennials?

The first thing I must do is concur wholeheartedly with your view as expressed in your profile “I believe wholeheartedly in the democratization of education to better entire populations and the world, so more than being a participant in multiple MOOC organizations, I like to think of myself as a MOOC Evangelist." I almost feel as though I wrote those very words myself — we agree so precisely on the value of MOOCs.
OK had to get that said. Very nice to be sharing the same thoughts and exchanging views with you.

With reference to various insights you provided:
miss the opportunity to create a #yourverse hashtag on Twitter?” — good observation and agreed — considering what must be enormous internal and external marketing resources, it is difficult to even conceive of this being merely an oversight.
notorious for its closed system…extension of that philosophy" — interesting parallel, but I’m not sure I see how their reasons for adopting closed technology platforms explains their reasons for not leveraging Twitter to get the word out.
gateway to these amazing on-screen adventures, while at the same time discouraging any form of interaction with the campaign itself,” — that is a great observation. I need to research this further. I find it difficult to believe they would be so arrogant in a world post-Steve Jobs to think they can continue to grow without considerable customer feedback and interaction.
I really enjoyed reading and analyzing your post Angelo - thank you very much. I’m not sure I feel the same way about the purpose of the ad. It still seems to me like an extremely well-executed way ofinspiring people to think about iPad going forward as a Content Creation and collaboration tool. That will spur sales of creative apps and distance them from Amazon’s model, which is firmly in theContent Consumption camp. The device wars are gathering steam and if you were Apple, you’d be thinking about audience mind-share and who’s grabbing most of it (besides Apple) and I think the answer to that is Amazon.

iPad Air | Missing the mark for Millennials? iPad Air | Missing the mark for Millennials? Reviewed by Unknown on 11:10 AM Rating: 5

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