Response to courseran in Taiwan
I love this type of creative publicity stunt — for anything scary it works very well.
I used to love staying in Taipei. Vibrant city. The people are so kind and polite. It was the first time I tried bubble tea and pigs ears. I miss the warmth and energy of the people that I worked with over there.
If you enjoyed the Chucky video, then you’ll love this:
Couple of similar videos that could be used as stunts to promote a theme ride, theme restaurant or magic show. The virality of this type of video is very strong. There has to be some lessons here for Content Strategists I think, in terms of grabbing audience attention and holding you spellbound. How much would it cost a business to hire say the magician - instead of paying for advertising? The business would benefit not only from the live surprise on the day of hire, but far greater from later viewing of the video, particularly if it goes viral. It’s fun to think of ideasfor this type of stunt that is turned into online video.