Passive vs. Active Sources of Content

Your post certainly grabbed my attention and speaks to something that fascinates me. I refer to your excellent description:

"It has enabled a transformation from siloed centers of publishing and collaboration where folks are working together on something to socialization. Collaboration enabled people to find information; hunt, gather and consume. Socialization enables information to find people; follow, connect and be fed. This transition has completely changed the process, technology and cultural dynamics"

In terms of the way you describe the old system of silos where people collaborated to find information, how has socialization added value? Is the key, as you describe it, that socialization enables information to find people instead of people finding information?

You make a brilliant point, but I’m struggling to get my head around it and don’t mind admitting it :). We’re learning on this course that we must adapt to a world where people will only seek the information they are interested in. In which case, is the overabundance of information brought about by socialization part of the problem or the solution?

Passive vs. Active Sources of Content Passive vs. Active Sources of Content Reviewed by Unknown on 3:05 AM Rating: 5

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