BBC series "Secrets of the Superbrands"

The BBC has a knack for boiling down information and presenting it in “everyday common language”. Great series that - Secrets of the Superbrands.
Did you see the series on retail by Robert Peston? Brilliant.
Interesting thought….
If someone asked you to pinpoint what caused the “gadget frenzy”…what would you say? Think about that. People went from luddites to tech-obsessed virtually overnight (in the general scheme of things). Why?….We all have theories, but the BBC puts together content to help us understand. They might be the perfect example of a Content Strategy organization since they don’t rely on advertising for their existence.
Really great to watch and I really like Alex Riley. Goes to show how engaging a comedian can be at presenting “sensible” topics.

BBC series "Secrets of the Superbrands" BBC series "Secrets of the Superbrands" Reviewed by Unknown on 11:19 AM Rating: 5

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