Some Case Study feedback for a fellow Courseran

Here’s my 1cent (2cents is overdoing it).
  • 300 word limit. I take your point here. If an article was the main content piece then this is more challenging. However, one of the things we learned on this course is that the audience probably isn’t receptive to long articles. 300 words is probably at the upper limit of attention for our audience for no other reason than the information competes with a raft of other info and “who engages wins”
  • "…reads more like a marketing study than a content strategy problem…" — my view is that most of what a firm does is marketing, i.e. understand and meet the needs of markets. It should be the company ethos. Note: marketing is not only promotion. That means much of Content Strategy involves marketing concepts.
  • Webcams - great idea Bill, but boy will it make some nervous :)…Big Brother Shenshi has his eye on you. What happened to phone cameras -wouldn’t most people just use what they already have?
  • The Coursera platform might be the best of any MOOC provider, but can be improved. One simple thing I couldn’t get to work was embedding content in posts.
  • Sales training - good idea, (but probably should take that for granted). Would have made an interesting content idea on its own. Include gamification and bingo!
  • Smartphone app - just to be clear, you are suggesting “crowd sourcing” UI design via the store assistants? Interesting. Then Shenshi corporate IT would implement the ideas?
  • "Customers who want a truly unique experience can pay top dollar (still considerably less than for custom made clothing)…" I agree that’s a distinct possibility. When I worked in Singapore, I could have a bespoke suit made same day for fraction of brand named prices.
  • Up-front fee for designer sketches - good idea. Creative.
  • 25% of the net proceeds go to the charity — good idea.
  • "Shenshi Smarts" - online quiz is also a good idea to engage and make people smarter. I also had ideas that I couldn’t communicate because of the explanation word limits. I appreciate how frustrating it is to have so many ideas and not be able to communicate them. Here again, I think the idea ;) was to get us to focus on one core concept which is probably what we’d do in reality. Too much content is…well, too much information ;).
  • Shenshi: Success never looked so good.” — a very nice tag line. I like it!
Some Case Study feedback for a fellow Courseran Some Case Study feedback for a fellow Courseran Reviewed by Unknown on 11:56 AM Rating: 5

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