Millennials | "Their minds function almost differently" | What on earth does that mean?

Would somebody mind telling me what “Their minds function almost differently” really means please?
I’ve worked with Millennials just like everyone else and besides sneaking a look at their iPhones more often than others I couldn’t spot what it was that labeled them as “different”.
Oh, there is something - they’re more fashionable and better looking than me, that’s for sure! :).
Seriously though, technology is getting easier I thought…isn’t it? I mean in my day (which was’t that long ago :)) we didn’t have touch this and swipe that. Oh no, my hand is permanently stuck in the shape of a computer mouse through years of carefully crafted software demonstrations. I could make the mouse sing! Now you just drag this and stretch that with a finger and “hey presto”…move over Picasso! It’s incredible.
So let me know what all this talk of “different” really means. 
I’m genuinely interested to know first hand. It’s another subject that fascinates me and I want to write about it.
Tell me Millennials what would you want written about you?

Millennials | "Their minds function almost differently" | What on earth does that mean? Millennials | "Their minds function almost differently" | What on earth
does that mean? Reviewed by Unknown on 11:35 AM Rating: 5