Are Smartphones becoming our "go-to" devices for Content Consumption?

This begs the question — have Smartphones progressed enough to be the perfect “consumption" platform that fits our lifestyles?
Does a 5” 1080p screen meet 90% of our content consuming needs?
Can you imagine a time when we will abandon other devices because the Smartphone category is the perfect compromise of portability, size, convenience, performance?
Google’s offering is pictured, but all the top Smartphones have similar performance.
The big differentiator will be in how the ownership experience is conveyed through content.
What do you think of the Nexus 5 landing page? - it’s a big screen Youtube video.

Is the Smartphone fast becoming a “do-it-all” and possibly a “replace-it-all” device??
Are Smartphones becoming our "go-to" devices for Content Consumption? Are Smartphones becoming our "go-to" devices for Content Consumption? Reviewed by Unknown on 3:06 AM Rating: 5

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