Shenshi in Canada

I spent some time at a graphics chip maker for consoles etc. Talk about gaming nuts. They have to be. Total immersion.
I liked your comment about social:
"The social media strategy would be to use social media channels like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to connect to hockey and gaming communities of interest and point them to the video games and by extension introduce them to the brand and products."

I think that strategy would work in many sport-centric countries/cities. I like the way you are targeting the audience through their communities of interest. I’m targeting the UK market (although I am US resident, my heart’s still back in old Blightly). Your idea would work equally well for the football(soccer)-crazy Brit. I need to weave that into my strategy somehow. Thanks for highlighting this. 

Your overall gaming concept is so good. I would like to dig deeper on that idea if you don’t mind. Do I have it right that your idea involves a Youtube video without an ending?…(nobody ever called me Einstein). If so, what platform would you recommend for the audience to complete the story, i.e. “co create” the ending? It sounds fantastic. If you were to go ahead with this idea for your Case Study, what would your Content Strategy deliverable piece be, and what do you estimate might be required in terms of resources to implement this concept?

Another thing I would love to understand more about is Canadian demo/pschographics in terms of market segmentation. I’ve only experienced Toronto, Niagara and a town further north - (might’ve been Barrie I think) — in other words, not even scratching the surface. A substantial number of threads/posts seem to point to a strong gender segmentation. Surely I have that wrong? If it is the case, then I presume Shenshi marketers are best-served by targeting communities based around the sport of Hockey and your excellent quality beers. I know there’s so much more complexity and nuance to what is “The True North strong and free!…O Canada!” You have French culture aplenty and a wonderful infusion of Asian culture in cities like Vancouver, which has benefited enormously from migration from mighty financial powerhouses like Hong Kong. If you had to summarize the Canadian market and expand beyond Hockey and Beer, what would you write? Thanks for even considering responding to this.

Shenshi in Canada Shenshi in Canada Reviewed by Unknown on 10:54 AM Rating: 5

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