Yet more on Content Strategy Definition
To speak to the definition of Content Strategy, I had a similar observation to you in that I think this course is designed to focus on the “instances of the use of Content Strategy”, which is perhaps the most valuable takeaway for professionals.
I am fascinated by how our perceptions are shaped by the oftentimes unique set of filters we develop. Could I ask you how you arrived at your own definition of Content Strategy? Is it based purely on the variety of experiences you and your team have collected over 20 years in the business, or have you adopted Kristina’s definition because you think the industry has galvanized around it? Or would you describe your definition as a hybrid of both?
I was also intrigued when I read your definition of Content Marketing, which aligns with my own perceptions prior to this course (based on what I analysed Hubspot, Eloqua and Marketo to be doing and communicating):
"Content marketing is the strategy of communicating with your audience and prospects without selling to them”.
That reads almost as if it could be the definition of Content Strategy — as we know it on this course.I hope you don’t mind so many questions, but your post was so very interesting. My last question is this: how important do you think it is to provide a definitive definition on a course that concentrates on the more useful and practical aspects of application — would you prefer it if a variety of definitions were proffered and discussed instead of one? (after all, many have argued that the industry’s definition is still evolving).
What intrigues me about your above post is your conviction that Kristina’s and Joe’s definitions are the “de facto” standards. I interpret that as the “widely accepted industry standard” - does that sound accurate to you? While I categorically am not contradicting your posts — largely because they match my preconceptions coming into this course — I would like to know what constitutes your belief that they are industry standards. Is it that they match your own experience or is it that, from your perspective, the large majority of the community is rallying around these definitions?
I find the topic of defining industry terms a fascinating one and created a whole thread devoted to CS vs CM here. One of the reasons for creating the thread was CMI’s own admission: ”we’ve been guilty of using the terms “content marketing strategy” and “content strategy” interchangeably at times (we have resolved to be more clear on this, moving forward)."
On your own website you have defined CM as “Content marketing is the strategy of communicating with your audience and prospects without selling to them”.Do you really think there is industry-wide agreement? If not, should the industry galvanize around the two definitions above?
I am fascinated by how our perceptions are shaped by the oftentimes unique set of filters we develop. Could I ask you how you arrived at your own definition of Content Strategy? Is it based purely on the variety of experiences you and your team have collected over 20 years in the business, or have you adopted Kristina’s definition because you think the industry has galvanized around it? Or would you describe your definition as a hybrid of both?
I was also intrigued when I read your definition of Content Marketing, which aligns with my own perceptions prior to this course (based on what I analysed Hubspot, Eloqua and Marketo to be doing and communicating):
"Content marketing is the strategy of communicating with your audience and prospects without selling to them”.
That reads almost as if it could be the definition of Content Strategy — as we know it on this course.I hope you don’t mind so many questions, but your post was so very interesting. My last question is this: how important do you think it is to provide a definitive definition on a course that concentrates on the more useful and practical aspects of application — would you prefer it if a variety of definitions were proffered and discussed instead of one? (after all, many have argued that the industry’s definition is still evolving).
What intrigues me about your above post is your conviction that Kristina’s and Joe’s definitions are the “de facto” standards. I interpret that as the “widely accepted industry standard” - does that sound accurate to you? While I categorically am not contradicting your posts — largely because they match my preconceptions coming into this course — I would like to know what constitutes your belief that they are industry standards. Is it that they match your own experience or is it that, from your perspective, the large majority of the community is rallying around these definitions?
I find the topic of defining industry terms a fascinating one and created a whole thread devoted to CS vs CM here. One of the reasons for creating the thread was CMI’s own admission: ”we’ve been guilty of using the terms “content marketing strategy” and “content strategy” interchangeably at times (we have resolved to be more clear on this, moving forward)."
On your own website you have defined CM as “Content marketing is the strategy of communicating with your audience and prospects without selling to them”.Do you really think there is industry-wide agreement? If not, should the industry galvanize around the two definitions above?
Yet more on Content Strategy Definition
Reviewed by Unknown
11:47 AM