Preconceived notions

I have found it fascinating examining how my preconceived notions affected my expectations of this course, and hence, my surprise at some of the course content, particularly concerning definition. I am firmly in the camp that loves this course, but I started to wonder whether some may be more disappointed for this very reason.
For example, if your notion of “strategy” was anything like a “careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time” then Merriam Webster agrees with you. However, did you also know that the expanded definition of strategy is a variety of or instance of the use of strategy?
It struck me that if we thought of strategy as only “a type of plan” then we might be more disappointed than if we understood it to also include “instances of applying strategy”.
If we translate that to our own content creation, have there been any instances where you didn’t get the reaction you expected from a piece of content, or you got better than expected? If so, do you think you understood why?

Preconceived notions Preconceived notions Reviewed by Unknown on 10:42 AM Rating: 5

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