A Blog Content Strategy

To your excellent point “…thousand mile trip starts with a single step…”:
"OK, I walked to the end of the street and there’s nobody there…now what?"….is perhaps what many of us have been guilty of, i.e. giving up at the first fence and not persisting.
I really like your comment “…but it is the best time for me personally…”. Kind of sums it all up really, doesn’t it? The right time is always now.
I think to be successful as Content Creators/Managers/Marketers/Strategists, we will have to raise our game even higher. In 2013 there was a stream of brilliant examples of “engaging, insightful, inspiring” content. The bar is already way up there. In 2014, that stream will become a fast-flowing river.
One cynical view is that it will take bigger and bigger budgets to make any progress—utilizing the most cutting edge of CGI techniques and dominating the best delivery channels. Then we’ll be back at square one, i.e. the media power houses own the voice.
Until then, we can but do our best, push ourselves to achieve greatness and continuously learn new skills…and that’s why we’re here.
Thanks again for your words of wisdom. Much appreciated.
A Blog Content Strategy A Blog Content Strategy Reviewed by Unknown on 1:51 AM Rating: 5

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