Content Strategy for oneself?
I like your flickr site. Your images are exquisite, especially the children and old people. You captured joy, weariness, hope, dejection, contentment, resignation. Life.
I was just playing around with ideas based on what you’d written on your profile page - hope you don’t mind.
"the art of stealing a moment from our life" ~Photography is life suspended in time…don’t let precious moments pass us by.
"To me ‘eye’ is more important than the equipment" ~Your camera captures light, but your eye captures life.
I envy you being in Africa. In the west we have learned how to control outward appearances, but in Africa there is less pretense. At one time I enjoyed several visits to S. Africa so much that I wanted to stay. The Cape is a special place. It’s not much of a cultural transition from the West, I know, but shares the same beauty that is carved into the African continent. Same goes for India. I only have brief exposure, but I recall the light in India seemed different, almost a translucent quality. Beautiful colors in the late afternoon. Your images reflect that. The craggy weather-beaten faces reveal the toil of everyday life, but the eyes still shine with the zest of youth.
I hope you don’t mind me asking, does your photography finance your travel and living expenses or do you find other work to supplement? I would love to do something similar, like photo-blogging. How do you handle basic things like Internet access? Do you return to base each day or try to find access as you travel? What is the reality of cellular coverage in the regions you frequent?
I too found the Simon Sinek talk. I like talks that try to organize findings into something memorable like his ‘Golden Circle’ and back it up with science. His comment about MLK’s speech: “I have a dream” and not “I have a plan” is the type of analogy that resonates well with me.
Speaking directly to your point about ‘marketing oneself’, could you flesh out more detail on how you changed your approach after watching the Sinek video, i.e. what were you doing before and what do you do now that’s different? That will help provide some input that might be useful to you.
I look forward to your comments.
P.S. If you were able to choose a camera with say $1500 budget for travel photography, what would you choose from the vast array available today?
I was just playing around with ideas based on what you’d written on your profile page - hope you don’t mind.
"the art of stealing a moment from our life" ~Photography is life suspended in time…don’t let precious moments pass us by.
"To me ‘eye’ is more important than the equipment" ~Your camera captures light, but your eye captures life.
I envy you being in Africa. In the west we have learned how to control outward appearances, but in Africa there is less pretense. At one time I enjoyed several visits to S. Africa so much that I wanted to stay. The Cape is a special place. It’s not much of a cultural transition from the West, I know, but shares the same beauty that is carved into the African continent. Same goes for India. I only have brief exposure, but I recall the light in India seemed different, almost a translucent quality. Beautiful colors in the late afternoon. Your images reflect that. The craggy weather-beaten faces reveal the toil of everyday life, but the eyes still shine with the zest of youth.
I hope you don’t mind me asking, does your photography finance your travel and living expenses or do you find other work to supplement? I would love to do something similar, like photo-blogging. How do you handle basic things like Internet access? Do you return to base each day or try to find access as you travel? What is the reality of cellular coverage in the regions you frequent?
I too found the Simon Sinek talk. I like talks that try to organize findings into something memorable like his ‘Golden Circle’ and back it up with science. His comment about MLK’s speech: “I have a dream” and not “I have a plan” is the type of analogy that resonates well with me.
Speaking directly to your point about ‘marketing oneself’, could you flesh out more detail on how you changed your approach after watching the Sinek video, i.e. what were you doing before and what do you do now that’s different? That will help provide some input that might be useful to you.
I look forward to your comments.
P.S. If you were able to choose a camera with say $1500 budget for travel photography, what would you choose from the vast array available today?
Content Strategy for oneself?
Reviewed by Unknown
2:51 AM