If you were to start blogging today, how would you approach it?
There are a plethora of so-called ‘dedicated blogging’ platforms…it’s almost bewildering. I have personally experimented with Wordpress.com, Blogger, Tumblr, and a little with SETT. I’ve also been investigating a ‘CM methodology’ for lack of a better term. I found Microsoft’s “LiveWriter” was a good way to publish nicely formatted content to multiple blogs.
Many of us probably have a blog on one platform or another. Would you change your choice if you could begin again today? Some of the ‘new blogging’ platforms appear to offer more. For example:
SETT has a mechanism built in for ‘high engagement’ blogging, so if you want to write and get valuable feedback and high interactivity, this could be a good choice
Svbtle might be a real ‘writer’s platform’ and is now open to anyone: ”Svbtle’s dashboard is designed to work the same way your brain works. It encourages you to dump ideas, links, and thoughts into a flow of draft posts, and then makes it easy to slowly sculpt those ideas into publishable articles. It just feels natural.”
What advice would you offer a budding would-be blogger?
SETT has a mechanism built in for ‘high engagement’ blogging, so if you want to write and get valuable feedback and high interactivity, this could be a good choice
Svbtle might be a real ‘writer’s platform’ and is now open to anyone: ”Svbtle’s dashboard is designed to work the same way your brain works. It encourages you to dump ideas, links, and thoughts into a flow of draft posts, and then makes it easy to slowly sculpt those ideas into publishable articles. It just feels natural.”
What advice would you offer a budding would-be blogger?
If you were to start blogging today, how would you approach it?
Reviewed by Unknown
2:39 AM