Posted in Death by PowerPoint
This is such a relevant course at a relevant time. Comments are fantastic.
- Guy Kawasaki has some good advice on best practices —> the 10/20/30 rule (10 slides, 20mins, 30pt font)
- Agree that PPT is just a tool. Prezi is prettier, more engaging, but PPT will do much the same. Notes pages are good for details.
- See "Death by Powerpoint" and how to fight it.
- Suggestion: develop two presentations - one as expected, one best practices. Quiz attendees later on how much content they absorbed with each style and which was more engaging, interesting.
- Infographics, whitepapers make great post-presentation supporting materials for presenting complexity.
- It’s humbling to keep in mind that the difference is us, i.e. if we don’t add value to our slides, we may as well not be there.
- Take a look at the most viewed TED talks on Youtube - there are at most a handful of slides used. It’s basically a person engaging the audience. I would love to be that good, but at least there’s a lesson there.
Posted in Death by PowerPoint
Reviewed by Unknown
1:31 AM