Content Startegy: Journalism vs Marketing (Is there a difference?)

This little gem works for me: The ideal of journalism is a quest for truth. Marketing is the quest for a product’s “truth.” ”
  • "…the best marketers are on a journey to know how their company’s goods and services exist in the hearts and minds of their customers.”

  • "…their job is to express that consumer truth to the best of their ability”

The article goes on to explain how the social web has democratized both Journalism and Marketing.
  • Anybody can report, anybody can publish.” Find yourself in the right place at the right time and you could be a journalistic star simply because you can say “I was there and you weren’t” Jeff Jarvis, City University, NY. 

  • Marketing has also been democratized. Who had the final say on the GAP logo? The logo was effectively “Crowd-sourced content”

The great news is that Content is the common denominator in this new world. Companies are becoming Publishers. Look at Red Bull for example - it’s transformed into a media company that sells an energy drink

This course is a good example of right place right time.
Content Startegy: Journalism vs Marketing (Is there a difference?) Content Startegy: Journalism vs Marketing (Is there a difference?) Reviewed by Unknown on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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