Evernote's Content Strategy
It certainly is challenging when you have a cloud application like Evernote where all the value is received by simply using it. How do you communicate the value without the product being involved?
The tips and advice—be they user-generated or from Evernote’s own experts—are valuable content, period. As Professor Lavine quotes IBM’s John Iwata in “Intro to Audiences and Experiences”, "the first imperative is to deliver value to empower customers, think about what they value and how they behave". Is that what Evernote’s blog is doing? Absolutely.
Having said that, IMHO, this Evernote Success Story gets closer to the heart of what we are describing as Content Strategy in this course. It involves an actual story and as Professor Lavine points out, storytelling can make content more engaging, authentic and inspiring.
It’s worth bearing in mind that although the application is free, every additional user essentially adds market cap to the future IPO aspirations of Evernote —> read "Evernote CEO says IPO is "morally correct thing to do,’ but not until 2015 or 2016."
Having said that, IMHO, this Evernote Success Story gets closer to the heart of what we are describing as Content Strategy in this course. It involves an actual story and as Professor Lavine points out, storytelling can make content more engaging, authentic and inspiring.
It’s worth bearing in mind that although the application is free, every additional user essentially adds market cap to the future IPO aspirations of Evernote —> read "Evernote CEO says IPO is "morally correct thing to do,’ but not until 2015 or 2016."
Evernote's Content Strategy
Reviewed by Unknown
1:48 AM