In a world of 'Spotify' and 'Tumblr', 'Paper' seems quite, well, plain | What's in a name?

Of course, we are running out of memorable real words, so now the name of the game is playing with words: ‘Tumblr’, ‘Spotify’, ‘Zillow’, ‘Meebo’, ‘Simpy’. Make it weird enough and it might just be acquired by the likes of Google!
I love that story in the Facebook movie when Sean Parker suggests they drop the ‘The’…and the rest is history. Those super-simple changes make such a difference.
Since we’ve heard so much about the importance of Stories, I wonder why Facebook didn’t call their product ‘Stories’. I mean, the whole point is to move away from ‘paper’, isn’t it?

What would you have called Paper?…and what are some of your favorite brand names?
In a world of 'Spotify' and 'Tumblr', 'Paper' seems quite, well, plain | What's in a name? In a world of 'Spotify' and 'Tumblr', 'Paper' seems quite, well, plain
| What's in a name? Reviewed by Unknown on 2:50 AM Rating: 5

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