Is it all about the URL : Ubiquity-now Revenue Later?

There are some amazing blogging platforms available today like Svtble and SETT and self-hosted But the template designs are often “uninspiring”. The really cool designs are the paid-for templates. I’m sure we all appreciate the concept of paying for something if we receive value from it, but is that model suitable for today’s web economy? Is paying for customization of a platform as a ‘price of entry’ presenting a barrier for many and discouraging them from joining a blogging platform community?
Should platforms do what Facebook has done and grow really big first, then add layers of engagement to keep member loyalty high, i.e.

URL : Ubiquity-now Revenue Later?

Is it all about the URL : Ubiquity-now Revenue Later? Is it all about the URL : Ubiquity-now Revenue Later? Reviewed by Unknown on 2:49 AM Rating: 5

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