Is Facebook the Microsoft of Social?

Perhaps when you’re the 800lb gorilla, you can afford to do that. Facebook’s massive size means it has more power. It means that, for most people entrenched in Facebook with hundreds or thousands of friends, it’s just too ‘inconvenient’ to switch social platform. Think of the time invested in uploading all that Content. Now Facebook can introduce new features that it wants as part of its Content Strategy, regardless of how many users don’t really like it. Microsoft knows that we can ‘absorb the pain’ whilst they take their time making corrections along the way. Think Vista, think Windows 8. Are they right? Facebook can ‘bully’ advertisers because they know when you’re ‘the biggest game in town’, there isn’t really a better alternative for such enormous audience exposure for the $.
Will what worked for Microsoft, also work for Facebook?
Is Facebook the Microsoft of Social?
Is Facebook the Microsoft of Social? Is Facebook the Microsoft of Social? Reviewed by Unknown on 2:49 AM Rating: 5

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