Red Bull: a media company that (also) makes an energy drink

  • The Red Bull Content Strategy is simple—become a publishing company focused around a consumable drink.

  • The Red Bull Media House produces just about every type of content you could imagine.

  • The Content Strategy centers around sports and cultural events and provides a true multimedia experience of beautiful photography and video. All digital channels are covered—WebTV, Web Radio, games, feeds, social.

  • Just as with Prof. Lavine’s coffee example, what we think of as the actual “product” is not the focus. What you do see, over and over, are images of people doing remarkable things—and usually in some extreme manner. The brand is “felt” in the very content itself.

Red Bull: a media company that (also) makes an energy drink Red Bull: a media company that (also) makes an energy drink Reviewed by Unknown on 1:33 AM Rating: 5

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